
Prices, cooking, money and so on in Estonia

One really really good thing in Estonia are the grocery prices. And the prices for eating out. So now I will give you some quick nice examples where I converted the prices into Euros.

Pepsi Max 2L. = 1,20€
Milk, 1L. 3,5% fat in a bag = 0,45€
Ruispalat, 6 pieces = 0,60€
Crabsalad 1kg = 3,00€
My favorite piece of cake in the more exclusive café in town = 3,50€
Pasta at my favorite restaurant = about 5-6€
Gefilus yoghurt 1L. = 1,40€
Minced meat 400g. = 1,20€
Pelmeni, frozen 750g. (the Russian kind of Tortellini) = about 1,60€

These are some of the things that I remember by heart, of course there are a lot of other things I buy that are just as cheap.
But here in Estonia you really have to find the "right" kind of things of eg. pasta, yoghurt, bread that you like. And those aren't always the cheapest alternatives. In Finland I'm used to grab the cheapest, and it usually isn't that big difference. Last autumn I had some funny experiences with the cheapest alternatives in the store and trying to make it tasty. At least I've learnt something!

But what I really miss when I want to make food is matlagningsgrädde/ruokakerma (like the creamier milk you use when you make food. but it's not creme fraiche..) and chicken bits you can just fry in the pan.
There is like one store selling the chicken-thingy and it doesn't taste good and the bits are weird. And the solution for my missing matlagningsgrädde is that I use the Estonian hapukoor which is a some kind of mixture between creme fraiche and gräddfil.

People often ask me if I do some kind of work on the weekends to get some extra money. And they do not believe me when I say that it wouldn't pay off. Literally. My friend informed me that a waitress here (in a good restaurant) makes about 2€ per hour. Hopefully you get my point about working extra in Estonia...

Luxury of the day: My bike. It's not very good, but it gets me where I have to be and it's nice biking outside (when it's not raining)

Word of the day:

3 kommentarer:

  1. ja måst no koma o häls o på, så ska vi fa o äta ti din fancy dinner place o fancy cafe. Ja vill ju no föstås si dig o :P int ba äta haha o si tartu, ja räpsiä vähä kuvia.
    Saknar också chickenstrimlor, finns int här heller :(

  2. Jag tänker också på de där goda pizzorna, du vet.... mmmm! Och den där underbara livsmedelsavdelningen på Kaubamaja...Fast de måste bli i ett annat liv då Olga inte måste tänka på vikten! Men i oktober blir det... Tartu! Here I come!!

  3. Olga gillar dina kloka ord om passion. Hey folks! That sexy and intelligent medicine student is MY GIRL!!
