
Happy->bad feeling->happy->bad feeling...

During the 2 weeks (almost) I have been back in school, I suffer from constantly having a bad conscience, because I am not busy with school. And because of me having a lot of spare time I think I should be studying a lot of Estonian or otherwise school-related things. As I said previously in one of my posts, I hate having a lot of dead time, aka. hanging around and doing nothing. Still I hate stressing. So this is all very complicated, and I have to figure this out in my head.
I would also like to learn stress management and better learning skills. Maybe there are books to buy or something interesting to read on the internet. I think it would help me a lot in my life as a student. Because let's face it, even though I have managed just fine in my studies now and earlier there is no guarantee for me making it through med-school, especially the feared third year of school. You just will have to work and work and study and study until you can't do it anymore. At least next year ;)

Today I met our new Estonian teacher. I had heard a lot of stuff about her before this lecture, and yes some of it was true. But I think a strict teacher who just speaks fast Estonian will do just the trick. So instead of being depressed about my language studies I am quite confident and excited! A new language is such a great blessing in one's life, and since I know a couple of them I know what I am talking about. Die Grenzen meiner Sprache, sind die Grenzen meiner Welt somebody said. And it is totally true. I will have to do some kind of studyplan for myself to get this Estonian. Something to do on the weekend.

Another nice thing is that I will be traveling to Germany on Monday! And the teachers have been okay with it. Some extra essay has to be written, and I will have to re-do 2 practicals (actually 3 because I was not here for the first week of school). But that is about it. Maybe my schoolstuff can take a vacation too and stay in the apartment. We will see...

The reason for all this happy happy joy joy thoughts are, amongst others, a new series I discovered. It is called Surgery School and tells about real want to be surgeons at some hospital in London. Unfortunatly I only found one episode of it, but I hope there will be more to come!


I sort of broke my own rules today, by buying some Pepsi even though it was not a weekend. But I went to the store really really hungry and with a bad headache, so I could not help myself. Other "important" stuff I bought was a yellow melon, brie-cheese, some special yoghurt... Well you get the picture. I actually managed to not buy any real food. Go me! But I have been good at not eating any sweets or crappy snacks in general. So I am pleased with myself. I have to keep my fingers crossed that the scale will think that too. Tonight it started raining, so I could not go out for a run. Bummer :P

Well, to promote my Estonian language skills I will need to see to my tv now. I have only put it on once, and then it seemed like not all cables were on their right places. Learning by hearing is good, or at least I tell myself that every time I think of "fixing" my tv.

Some Estonian words I learned today in class:
põdema=to suffer from
Langetama kaalu=to loose weight
Tõstma kaalu=to gain weight
Tingimus=circumstance, condition

Luxury of today: To have things to look forward to :)

1 kommentar:

  1. kanse behöver du inte gå så långt för att hitta stress managment som fungerar i längden... eller rättare sagt, ett sätt att bygga upp din stresstålighet, för stressen har kommit för att stanna. Så den som vill ha framgång i livet kommer i slutändan att vara den som bäst tål stress!!
