-I got my own stetoscope last Tuesday at the TASLO (Finnish medical students in Tartu) autumnmeeting.
-Had my skulltest, orally once again. Got an A, and it's not thanks to the teacher! Think she has been one of the worst teachers so far. Unfortunatly we're gonna have her in the Spring. She will then "teach" us the nerves. Oh what a joy... This is by far the most beautiful bone in the skull:
-Last weekend's Friday I went to the movies with Heidi and Erik. The movie was called The ugly truth. I think it has traumatized Erik for quite a while, but Heidi&I laughed so much xD Also this is where the insider victorydance originates from ;) After the movie we hanged out at Heidi's place until I almost fell asleep. Then I had to bike home, and I was lucky not to fall asleep on the bike...
-Have seen both seasons of True Blood! I don't know if the series is that good, at least not the first one. But the second is sooo much better. Anyhow it is quite interesting how it spellbinds you to watch more and more! Have also seen a couple of movies (nothing really good amongst it..) and the first season of Tudors.
-Realised that they havn't got any proper cards to send to men here in Tartu. I was looking for Fatherday's cards yesterday and I only found cards way too girly to send to a man. Ended up sending my Grandpa a card with Monet's painting on and a crazy monkey-card to my Dad. That was the best I could find.
-My bike. I really just want to make a bonfire out of it so it can literally burn in hell (hey it's Halloween today even... *evil grin*). My bike-thingie is the worst buy ever. If one thing is fixed the next thing starts to give me problems. Where are those helping hands when you need them?!
-Monday was my superenergyday! I was in school until 8pm to study the skull and even wanted to go out jogging after! It was such a wonderful evening! Warm and autumny and it wasn't even raining. That night I started to make food at about 9.30pm. Well if my neighbours don't think I'm crazy yet, after this week they probably will. (the fact that I'm watching series all night doesn't help...)
-Next Friday I'm gonna visit my brother at the army! They are having a parade/marching, because it's Svenska dagen (the Swedish-speaking's Day) and then you will get to look around there and eat some (hopefully good) food... I'm looking forward to it. Niko also made it trough the Barettmarschen; 70km of walking and they did it in 30 something hours. I really am proud of my little brother :)
-Yesterday I also bought a book; Jane Austen's Persuasion. I find it hard to read Austen in English, but hopefully it gets easier after some time. That will keep me occupied for tonight. Even though I should start reading for the Latinexam on Tuesday. Let's see ;)
-Made a mudcake today. But baking just isn't that fun if you haven't got somebody to share it with.
-My friends are having the anual Halloweenparty today and I would SO want to be there. First of all to see them and talk to them. But secondly because it's tradition. You basically can't miss out on that great event of ours. Emma is making decorations as always :D Love you guys and I would do anything to be there tonight!
Spooky Halloweengreatings to you all!
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