Well after yesterday's good day-feeling, I continued today in the same spirit. Running high on positive feelings and enjoying life. Helped a classmate after school to move up and throw together some furniture. Always great helping people, specially if you get to know them better at the same time :) Afterwards you always have this nice feeling.
So this night I have been a bit restless. Would have liked to go out for a walk, since it wasn't that cold and it hardly rained at all. Instead I watched America's next top model. I am amazed every time by the beautiful pics they're taking. It would be amazing to learn how to photograph properly. And have a good camera too!
Anyhow I decided to try on my ballgowns for the TASLO anniversaryparty. My long (very simple) black dress didn't fit of course. Last time I have been wearing it I was in a much better shape. Since I've moved here I haven't been working out or put any emphasis on eating the "right" food. As I put the black dress on (without closing the zipper...) and messing around in it for a while I really got a kick out of the thought to get myself in shape again. So I will start eating good stuff and work out again. Because that will 1. give me something good to do and 2. bring me in a good mood (since loosing weight makes me happy and workout releases all endorphines).
The problem is just that I haven't been able to figure out if they have any proper gym here in Tartu. And last autumn I really got into working out at the gym. You feel and see how your muscles improve and the bodyshape changes.
Meanwhile I probably just have to put myself trough the pain of jogging (hate doing it...) or go swimming. Then add some home-workout program. Maybe that would do the trick. Lets see! :)
I start to get into this whole studything too. Even though I haven't been studying much lately. But tomorrow we will have a study-marathon at school with the skull's bones. At the same time we are being testrabbits for the second year's students. Some energydrink experiment. Well you have to suffer to support the greater good ;) I hope anyhow to put my excitement into work also. I have a tendency to just keep the excitement inside myself and not work with it. Yep I am stupid. I could accomplish so much with it.
So these next weeks I will work on healthier living and studies. And hopefully other important stuff in life. And doing things I really like. Reading, writing and talking to people :)
Love and miss you all at home!
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