

Update about the last week:

-I got my own stetoscope last Tuesday at the TASLO (Finnish medical students in Tartu) autumnmeeting.

-Had my skulltest, orally once again. Got an A, and it's not thanks to the teacher! Think she has been one of the worst teachers so far. Unfortunatly we're gonna have her in the Spring. She will then "teach" us the nerves. Oh what a joy... This is by far the most beautiful bone in the skull:

-Last weekend's Friday I went to the movies with Heidi and Erik. The movie was called The ugly truth. I think it has traumatized Erik for quite a while, but Heidi&I laughed so much xD Also this is where the insider victorydance originates from ;) After the movie we hanged out at Heidi's place until I almost fell asleep. Then I had to bike home, and I was lucky not to fall asleep on the bike...

-Have seen both seasons of True Blood! I don't know if the series is that good, at least not the first one. But the second is sooo much better. Anyhow it is quite interesting how it spellbinds you to watch more and more! Have also seen a couple of movies (nothing really good amongst it..) and the first season of Tudors.

-Realised that they havn't got any proper cards to send to men here in Tartu. I was looking for Fatherday's cards yesterday and I only found cards way too girly to send to a man. Ended up sending my Grandpa a card with Monet's painting on and a crazy monkey-card to my Dad. That was the best I could find.

-My bike. I really just want to make a bonfire out of it so it can literally burn in hell (hey it's Halloween today even... *evil grin*). My bike-thingie is the worst buy ever. If one thing is fixed the next thing starts to give me problems. Where are those helping hands when you need them?!

-Monday was my superenergyday! I was in school until 8pm to study the skull and even wanted to go out jogging after! It was such a wonderful evening! Warm and autumny and it wasn't even raining. That night I started to make food at about 9.30pm. Well if my neighbours don't think I'm crazy yet, after this week they probably will. (the fact that I'm watching series all night doesn't help...)

-Next Friday I'm gonna visit my brother at the army! They are having a parade/marching, because it's Svenska dagen (the Swedish-speaking's Day) and then you will get to look around there and eat some (hopefully good) food... I'm looking forward to it. Niko also made it trough the Barettmarschen; 70km of walking and they did it in 30 something hours. I really am proud of my little brother :)

-Yesterday I also bought a book; Jane Austen's Persuasion. I find it hard to read Austen in English, but hopefully it gets easier after some time. That will keep me occupied for tonight. Even though I should start reading for the Latinexam on Tuesday. Let's see ;)

-Made a mudcake today. But baking just isn't that fun if you haven't got somebody to share it with.

-My friends are having the anual Halloweenparty today and I would SO want to be there. First of all to see them and talk to them. But secondly because it's tradition. You basically can't miss out on that great event of ours. Emma is making decorations as always :D Love you guys and I would do anything to be there tonight!

Spooky Halloweengreatings to you all!



Well after yesterday's good day-feeling, I continued today in the same spirit. Running high on positive feelings and enjoying life. Helped a classmate after school to move up and throw together some furniture. Always great helping people, specially if you get to know them better at the same time :) Afterwards you always have this nice feeling.

So this night I have been a bit restless. Would have liked to go out for a walk, since it wasn't that cold and it hardly rained at all. Instead I watched America's next top model. I am amazed every time by the beautiful pics they're taking. It would be amazing to learn how to photograph properly. And have a good camera too!
Anyhow I decided to try on my ballgowns for the TASLO anniversaryparty. My long (very simple) black dress didn't fit of course. Last time I have been wearing it I was in a much better shape. Since I've moved here I haven't been working out or put any emphasis on eating the "right" food. As I put the black dress on (without closing the zipper...) and messing around in it for a while I really got a kick out of the thought to get myself in shape again. So I will start eating good stuff and work out again. Because that will 1. give me something good to do and 2. bring me in a good mood (since loosing weight makes me happy and workout releases all endorphines).
The problem is just that I haven't been able to figure out if they have any proper gym here in Tartu. And last autumn I really got into working out at the gym. You feel and see how your muscles improve and the bodyshape changes.
Meanwhile I probably just have to put myself trough the pain of jogging (hate doing it...) or go swimming. Then add some home-workout program. Maybe that would do the trick. Lets see! :)

I start to get into this whole studything too. Even though I haven't been studying much lately. But tomorrow we will have a study-marathon at school with the skull's bones. At the same time we are being testrabbits for the second year's students. Some energydrink experiment. Well you have to suffer to support the greater good ;) I hope anyhow to put my excitement into work also. I have a tendency to just keep the excitement inside myself and not work with it. Yep I am stupid. I could accomplish so much with it.

So these next weeks I will work on healthier living and studies. And hopefully other important stuff in life. And doing things I really like. Reading, writing and talking to people :)

Love and miss you all at home!


This turned out to be a great day! It was nice in so many simple ways. The only thing that wasn't "perfect" was that I still let people influence my mood with their behaviour. And yeah the amount of chocolate consumed today...

But as I said simple stuff also made my day! Like blowdrying my hair in the morning (usually I let it airdry since I'm just too lazy..) Such a great fluffy feeling with blowdryed hair <3 Had lots of extratime in the morning, even though school began already at 9 am. So I actually could pick out a complete outfit with accessories.
I kept highspirits trough the (boring) laborationhours, but the chemistrylectures in the afternoon were a bit too much. Your brain just stops concentrating at some point. But still I thought that this teacher was much better than the previous!
When I got home I made a tuna-crap pie, cleaned the apartment, did the dishes, changed the bedsheets, organized ALL of my stuff. And boy it felt nice being surrounded my a clean house. Even though it took some time since I have this minimal brush and 29m2 to clean. But it was quite therapeutic. And looking at the result I am proud of myself. After this I basically did nothing of importance. Chat with some people, watch the newest episode of Heroes...

So maybe happiness is a decision. Not always but most of the time. And if you take the time to actually get stuff done you do feel good about yourself. It also gives you the energy to cope with other stuff you otherwise would be too lazy to do, eg. schoolstuff, cleaning... And you appriciate the "sparetime" you get for hanging on the internet ;)

Tomorrow is already Thursday, which means weekend! Have a nice weekend planned; swimming, going to the movies, studying the skull at school, participating in a energydrink survey-thingie at school... Really looking forward to it.

Head ööd!


A day by the book

Tere hommikust!

Today I decided to have a good day. Just like that. Happiness is a decision according to many wise people. I also decided to do everything by the book today. It's 8.50am and so far it's been going super. I had actually time to decide what I want to wear today, shower etc and still have time over!

A full report this evening about my by the book day :)

Hugs, Lara


Miracles still happen :D

Above: Frog's bloodsmear. This we have actually seen in the microscope for ourselves :)

I passed my last week's Histologytest! And I got a C! Wohoo! Even though I wrote stupid stuff like that the dermis has layers like: basement membrane (acutally right!), Growth layer(?), Death cell layer (?). I was actually laughing trough the whole test I thought it was that hilarious x)

Today was the Estonian exam, and I can pretty surely say that I will pass! Hope the same goes for this week's histology. I will promise to start studying histology properly. Since it's a really nice subject and the stained cells/tissues are really beautiful! In general the human body is just so amazing. For those who don't know what histology is exactly can click here. (It's so funny, all the teachers are refering to Wikipedia, even though at my former school, Arcada, Wikipedia was banned and you would fail your paper if you used it since it's not scientific material...)
Also as we now study the cranium and I found that it's just beautiful when you can see the places where veins have been and formed lines in the skullbone. Then the also the diffrent bones of the skull are connected by diffrent types of so called suturae and one has this sawlike edges and it forms also a nice and artistic edge there on the skull... I can easily love stuff I can learn easily. Like the bones. Stuff like the joints are more a pain in the ass and banned x)
I have been thinking about sneaking a bone into my bag and take it home as a souvenier... But I would probably look so guilty that they would stop me at the doors and take it away.

Well about last week:
Mum&Alicia did visit me. It was great having them here, but in some way I couldn't be really happy during they stay, and I feel really bad about it. Since it had nothing to do with them, just that I relaxed and let all the frustration show. Which was not a good thing to do. I just miss everybody at home and it's sad when you know they have to leave soon again. I got to be in Helsinki Saturday-Sunday, and had some pretty intense days with meeting people. Irene was in town from Stockholm, so I met up with her, which was great, I've been missing talking and seeing her. Then a quick shower at Linda's place, then meeting the Arcada-girls. Amazing how things still can be just like before even though we don't go to the same school anymore! And after that to the Gold&Green Ball at church. Some people's reaction about seeing me there were worth the whole trip: "Lara you should be in Estonia. Wow I don't get it, WHY ARE YOU HERE. Totally unbelievable!". Talking to people there was super, being around and feeling the atmosphere. On Sunday I went to my old branch and met a lot of old friends there too. I even had time to go to Leppävaara and meet Jenny. Sorry Jenny for me being so tired. I basically slept nothing during that weekend...!
It's quite interesting how people better keep in touch with you, and how you yourself keep better in touch with the people in your life when your abroad. Almost like your grasping and gathering all your friends together and make sure you don't lose them. I hope to bring this spirit into normal life too, because it sure would make things a lot easier. Amongst other things you also forgive and forget easier. And you get a whole new perspective on things when you're taken away from the normal environment.

Well with Mum&Alicia we did go to all shops in Tartu it feels like it at least. Mum bought some clothes and we went to a massage together at their hotel. Was sore the whole weekend after that!! But it was effective and CHEAP! 45min back+neck massage about 17€! So I will definitly come again!

I think I need to get some order into my life, and I came to this conclusion even before Mum yesterday had a bit of a moral preach about how the keys of my own happiness lies in my hands. I just need to use it. Well I think I also know where the problem lies, I should focuse on the important stuff in life. I have been promised great things in life. I have family and friends at home who support me 100%. I finally study what I want, and get proper challenges from my studyprogram. I have friends in Tartu. I have an own apartment. Etc. etc.

Wow I am thinking positivly! Yeee! Way to go. Now I probably do some (non-educational)reading, I have like 9 books here. Which is nothing; maybe that's why it still doesn't feel a 100% homey here?! Sorry I'm just a bookfreak. They're friends and nice to look at. One never knows what is hiding inside them :)
So anyhow, I want to start reading a new book, since I haven't any panic-studying ahead so it would be a good timing. Bye bye!


Kas sa räägid eesti keelt?

Estonian mini-exam coming up tomorrow and I have not studied enough. Seems to be getting the theme of my studies, never to study just enough. I came back from Helsinki yesterday after two great days. Before that my Mum and little sister were visiting. So well, there were better things to do than study (as always?!).

I really really have to figure out life in Tartu. Getting a hobby, knowing my city, integrate, learn Estonian... Since the weather isn't getting any better, my mood isn't either. Which affects my studies and my life here in general. Then again it seems like I don't have time to do anything anymore, but this mainly depends on me spending time on unnecessary stuff like facebook all the time.
It would be nice to "costumize" my apartment and make it look more like me. Or get some stuff here that would make it more cozy for those cold nights when the wind is going crazy outside (like tonight...)

I did pass my muscle exam, and got an encouraging mail from my professor were he stated "Test not go so well, 7.1points, so well you get C" I was so happy about my C, best I could hope for so I don't really understand the disappointing mail. Well lets hope I passed histology last week, that surely didn't go well.
More another night, have to go to sleep early since I'm probably getting the same flu my visitors had. Still have to do some studying though...

Head ööd!



Today was my muscle test. This morning, I had actually been awake for some time, but didn't want to begin the new day just yet, my classmate called me, with a bit of a terrified voice and said
Lara I don't know any muscles. I haven't studied at all.
I didn't even know what the time was, and during that sentence I had a what the heck moment, since as I walked to the kitchen I saw that it was snowing. Yeah you read correct. Snowing. In Tartu. In October. It hasn't even snowed in Jakobstad yet!!!
So yeah we did a quick run-through of some of the muscles. And I think I did okay on my test. Hope my friend did pass too.
After school some friends came over to my place and helped me kill the last of my choco-muffinpie. I did some improvised food as well. And Heidi showed us this super funny song on youtube another one of those funny insiderjokes xD Somehow I made it throuuuu-uuuugh....!
Tomorrow one of those super histology minitest. They aren't that difficult, but I still have a bad consious if I don't prepare. I don't wanna be a bad student :P On the other hand there are so many other nice things to do. And I feel a bit of a tiny autumn(or winter?) depression coming up. What if I will be stuck at my place the whole winter. Covered in deep snow. Nobody noticing me being dead. The doves ramming through the windows and eating bits of the dead me...
Okay happy thoughts! I will have to find something fun to do after school. A hobby. Or a gymn nearby! Otherwise this will be a looong winter. And it would be nice getting something else to do besides all kind of stuff you have to do but at the same time it would give you some more routine in the everyday life. Of course you can always meet up with friends, watch a movie, read a book or hang around on facebook. But yeah I have to find a gym. Or I will go crazy.

About the Estonian shops:
I have been trying to find a shop where they sell like these 1kg or bigger packages of salt. Not those tiny they sell along with the spices. And on Saturday, when I desperatly was looking for cups to make cupcakes I found all these other suff I've been looking(not any cups ofcourse) for in this shitty and really unorganized shop near my house. The 1kg packages of salt were on the same spot as the backingstuff, like flour and sugar. And that shop did in fact have dishbrushes. Oh how I've longed for one of those. I hate those swamps they sell, don't used to use that at all and it makes me feel uncomfy using them. So I just had to buy it.

That you have an oven in your apartment isn't something to take for granted here. But I am pleased to inform you dear readers that I do have one. Hopefully I will get some more bakingequipment here soon, and visitors to eat my baked stuff, because I really love doing it. Only bad thing is the dishes afterwards. But maybe it's worth for the joy of homebaked cakes/cookies/scones. Uuuh I really have to make some scones someday. Simple and yummy!

Oh well, it's getting late. And I hear the epithelial tissues are calling for me. Have a nice evening everyone!

2am Monday morning

I should be studying or at least sleeping. Tomorrow we will have our muscle-test, hope that everything will go well. Afterwards there will be a small celebration at my place which includes my choco-muffin/pie. The thing with that is that it SHOULD be muffins but i didn't have any cups to put them in, so I put them in a pie-thingie instead.
Anyhow here I am in the middle of the night and looking at this summer's pics. They're just too hilarious to be true (specially at 2am with an overdose of Pepsi Max). If i would ever lose my friends or in some way offend them those pics could probably harm my future carrier as a doctor xD Or maybe my future husband will divorce me or something. My point is; we're always having a blast and document it at the least representable times x) But that's one of the things that makes the girls to the best friends someone could wish for. We're doing fun stuff without regrets or anyone complaining about it (except the poor outsiders that might stand in our way). I am happy to announce that at every one of our engagement/weddingparties these pics will come in quite handy :D Pity that all the previous photos are at home, can't sit and look and laugh at them here!
This weekend I basically just was at the apartment. Did of course some groceryshopping etc. Made some food and the muffinthingie for two hours on Saturday. But it tasted good at least. Had too much time to think about unneccessary stuff though, so I ended up being mad at everything and everyone.
On Wednesday Mom and Alicia will come to Tartu! Then we'll leave for Helsinki together on Saturday and I will be able to meet some people and attend the Gold&Green Ball. Always nice to dress up!
I did see some movies this weekend, and the best of the was the Proposal with Sandra Bullock. The beginning and middle part was the best, laughed about it a lot, but the end was a bit too cliché for me. Also saw Ice Age 3 and X-men origins-Wolverine. Of those the latter was the worst movie I had seen in a while, didn't like it at all. Also did the mistake of starting to read a really good book I found in Germany. I think it's called Graceling in English. A teenage book, and a lovestory in a fantasyworld (not too much fantasy though, don't like that at all) and it's a bad combination if you have to prepare for a test. So i basically read that all afternoon today and in between this evening/night when I prepared for my test.
(red muscles: oxidative, long working muscles; white muscles: anaerobic muscles fast and explosive working.)
This probably sounds absurd but I really need to get rubbergloves so that I can start touching the dead guy in the morgue and learn by him(it?!) the muscles and so on. So much more down to business and easier to remember. Well you could touch him without them, but well, I think you know why I don't want to. A bit yak... And that smell. It isn't that bad actually, since they have preparated him quite well, but it's something you just have never smelled before and it gets stuck in your nose, so when I came home on Friday after being in the morgue I had that smell still stuck in my nose and I almost lost my apetite since I imagined that everything I ate tasted as the smell from the morgue. Maybe a job as a pathologist wouldn't fit me after all. But I assume you would get used to the funny smell.
(muscles of masticuation: m.pterygoideus medialis, m.pterygoideus lateralis, m.masseter, m.temporalis)
It's quite funny to try imagining people looking/hearing what we're talking about/doing as medical students and how this would sound/look to them. I think I won't repeat any of that stuff here, people might get offended at the humour. It's like when I try to tell people a fascinating story about the human body or my fascination to someday be able to do own autopsies or surgial procedures. They just don't get it. Well to have the goal of becoming a doctor in a (near?) future is what keeps you going. And it's what makes you come to not so interesting classes such as biophysics or medical chemistry...
(m.sternocleidomastoideus-origin:manubrium sterni, extremitas sternalis (clavicula); insertion:os temporalis-function:unilateral-flexio of the head to one side, bilateral:lifting the head a bit for-and upwards, also a respiratory muscle)
Maybe I should just go and get some sleep, otherwise I will surely fail my test tomorrow even though I'm gonna pass the biophysicslecture in the morning.

Nighty nighty!


Life's irony

The stormy weather continued this Sunday so I decided to not step out of my apartment and to pray that no tree will fall on the house. Nasty nasty weather. Well at least I don't have to have a bad feeling about being lazy. At least physically. Since I've done some studying today. And now I know why histology(about cells and tissues) probably won't be me favorite subject and that I did the right decision not ordering that horrible book. It has been taking all day (almost) to finnish the one section I have my test about on Tuesday. Urgh. As long as there are just microscope, preparations and pens involved it's fine. But please spare me of this book.

I've also been chatting with a friend and it reminded me of another talk we had some weeks ago. (This friend will remain anonymous, maybe X doesn't want to be pointed out... (x ) Since we were talking about the same subject as today, the men not present in our lives. Well a couple of weeks ago X actually came to the big conclusion: Lara, you know what I just realised? You don't have any luck with guys. Never. They always treat you like shit in the end.
This conclusion took me a bit by surprise, I mean not that it was anything new. She also started to mention several names and well yeah I got the point. I think I have come to a point were I don't care anymore, of course I get angry, but I have better things to do and spend my time on than guys. But I find it ironically hilarious that one always picks the wrong guys. Wonder what a psychologist would say about this x) (I like those ironic moments life gives you when you can't do anything else than laugh about the whole situation)

At least 3 people (all male!) asked me last week at the wedding when I will get married. I just thought seriously people?! I just started my medical studies and will celebrate my 21st birthday in December. In my opinion I have all the time in the world (almost). That doesn't mean you can't have fun along the way.... When I have found a person like Juno describes:

Find a person who loves you for exactly who you are. Good mood. Bad mood. Ugly, pretty, handsome. The right person still will think the sun shines out of your ass.That's the kind of person worth sticking with.

...then I maybe will consider him ;)

At the same time people at home are getting engaged/married/buy houses/have babies. It's funny how different our lives start to be after high school. Before that people are quite similar in a lot of ways. And it's good to know that it's there you get to know friends that will stay in your life for a looong time!

If you aren't familiar with the cd Duffy-Rockferry I highly recommend it to you. I got it last week from my dad as he left Germany, and I took a later flight. As a goodbye gift. I've listened to it before and it always amazes me what a wonderful voice she has!
A bit more dancy is David Guetta-One love. House-music at it's best and finest.

I guess the histologybook is calling for me, better go and read before he attacks me... And in the kitchen the dishes probably won't wash themselves. But for a while I will at least ignore them, I still have some plates left...

Wake me up when September ends, NOT!

So this is one of my best buys this autumn probably. I bought it in Germany about a week ago at Frankfurt university's medical bookshop. Half the price of the one (in English) here, and that is only the 14th edition; note that this is the 22nd. And I love it. The pictures are great, and even though it's heavy and big it's amazingly good. I have noticed that the German Atlases are the only good ones. Since American and English ones often not have the Latin names and haven't any proper pics. Every Anatomyatlas they recommend is German. So go Germany!

My week in Germany was amazing. I went to the movies twice (Up! and The time traveller's wife), got to attend some great weddingreceptions, went and checked out some proper bookstores (not only the medical one...), got to see a round of icehockey of my "childhood"team(explanation later..) and best of all: meeting the family.
So the thing about me and icehockey: my aunt really got me into it already when I was a kid, she took me to watch the trainingsessions of the Frankfurt Lions and likes to tell the story about younger me getting scared to death about a player splashing some water on the spot behind the plasticwall where my face was. And after all those times I really do like watching icehockeygames live. Preferably of course my childhood-team and with my aunt.

Up! was is a Disney movie and we saw it in 3D which was really cool. The movie was good and sad also, since it can be related to some recent events in our own family. But we had a good laugh about the movie also. The time traveller's wife was quite a good movie, but the book is better. As always. My dad liked it, and that sort of amazed me since I think it's quite a girly movie. Or not girly, but dramatic. Anyhow, really recommend it, and obviously men like it too :D

A fun thing happend when I arrived at Frankfurt airport. I went to the wrong luggageclaimroom so I had to go to the information and ask them to get me into the right room to get my backpack. And the man asked where I was coming from. I said Estonia. He responded, okay what would you do in Estonia, and why didn't the group you were with say that you went to the wrong room (he then asked his assistant if Estonia was a Schengercountry even; some people just are ignorant). I don't thing he believed me when I said I was travelling alone and that I nowadays live in Estonia. Maybe he thought it is some weird Middle-Asian country or something...

Well when I came back and arrived at Tartu airport I shared a cab with a German man. Or it didn't come up before the driver asked him where he came from. So we started talking in German, and he was from Berlin. Hopefully he liked Tartu, he was here as a guestlecturer who accidently had sign up for it and I think he regreted it a bit as he arrived at our airport. Where the luggage claim consists of a box that is dragged by a minicar and consisting all the luggage. And you have to walk with your bags unto the securitycheck. It is quite hilarious.

When I came home I happily noticed my bike was still at the same spot inside the house beside the door where I left it. But in the apartment it was freezing cold. The autumnwarmth was over and my house hadn't put on the heatingsystem. Nice. The next morning a nice surprise awaited me as I tried to open my frontdoor. My bike was blocking the minor space between the three doors on my floor. The back tire was all flat and someone had put a note on it to please not leave the bike there since it's blocking the passage. Well I certainly didn't move it; and at 1am that same morning it had still been downstairs. So I was really pissed and it didn't get better in school when I had to write my jointstest and tried to do my oral bone exam. The joints I got an E from, so I passed it merely. The bones I had to retake (I in fact just took it to try it out which was really good in the end since I was prepared for this new and akward situation where you have to take a oral test in front of your classmates)

So I was really freaked out the rest of the week, barely getting any sleep 'cause of it. On Wednesday I was in the morgue studying the bones (they have them there on one of those tables so you can learn them). One by one I went them through until I could every single tuberositas, tuberculum, facies articulares... But it was really fun even though it was plain studying for about 6hours. We got to see a dead guy too, he was under one of those metalboxes on a table. Didn't look so fresh anymore.
I actually got to know a cute guy there too. It was just me and him there and then he came over to my table and started asking (first in Estonian) about how you know if you have a left or a right ulna, and we talked some more... I almost laughed out loud afterwards it was like something out of Grey's Anatomy; romance in the morgue x) And I felt like a real medical student for once!
The bonestest the next day went excellent, I got an A! I felt like I was on top of the world. That was even better than the activating of the heating system that Tuesday before!

I decided then to go to the getting-to-know party for the medical students that same evening and I have to say the preparty- and postpartytime was so much better than the actual party. Just hanging around and talking. We did that until 4.30 am that morning without realizing it but it's a good thing that they have cabs available around the clock. I live after all 4km from my friend's apartment. And as i mentioned; the weather isn't the nicest right now. And it's really unpredictable. One minute there is amazing sunshine and the next it starts to pour down rain or as yesterday hail!!!!!! Here I should always have my umbrella with me. But that sucks since it takes up so much space in my bag.

The electricity went out for about half an hour Thursday morning and I took the situation and talked to two old ladies who live a floor below me. I did this by having the advice of my classmate in mind(she has been living here for a year already) that if I want to learn Estonian I should speak with my neighbours. And it went (quite) okay, when one of the ladies asked me who I was, "we don't know you, where do you live?" the other one answered "kortteli 8" (aparment 8). So those old ladies spying on everybody they are everywhere. But these two seemed really nice and they were patient with my fake(Finnish)Estonian. I try not to speak English or Finnish with people if they ask me something (like on the street or in the cab) and I hope this desperate act will make me learn this language. Because I really want to learn it! Since I also begin to love Tartu and being here.

Okay the clock is about 4am Sunday morning and I don't want to go to bed, but since there is no one only in facebook or msn maybe I will have to. Tomorrow I have to get some serious studying done, cause even though I decided not to retake my jointexam I still have Histology on Tuesday and Analytical Chemistry the day after that. On Monday TASLO; the Finnish medical student's society here in Tartu has a introevening for us with free food etc. So I won't be studying that much on Monday I assume...

Well I hope you have had a nice weekend; at least I had! :)