
What a feeling!

Vacation has finally arrived. After all this studying there is almost an empty feeling inside of you. What should you do now (what do you HAVE TO DO now)? After spending a day in bed studying (I had drawn my bed in front of my working desk, so I listened to the same playlist for about 12hours or so while studying in bed all day. Best studyday ever, with as little moving around as possible :P ) all those bacteria and viruses it felt good to go and vomit out your knowledge on that paper. 100 multiple choice questions and two essays,
one about a bacteria Neisseria gonorrhea and another about a virus Varicella Zoster (causing chicken pox). Fortunately the class above us had informed us about that these pathogens might come this year too, so we had looked them over extra well :)

The thing is that after an exam it is really hard for me to calm down. So yesterday I cleaned the apartment, which was in need of a serious cleaning session. Dishes up and down the kitchen counter, full garbage bins... You get the picture.
I also had time to finally meet up with my Mom, sister and aunt. They arrived at Tartu on Wednesday. Finally they too got to see the new apartment and we got to catch up.
Even though we were really tired we met up with some classmates and just hung out enjoying freedom until late in the night. I really will miss Tartu this summer. Here you can do a lot (go to restaurants/bars/shopping etc.) for a good price and there is always something happening. My small hometown then again at the Westcoast of Finland is quite dead compared to this. But then again it is the people that matter! So I will enjoy a nice lazy summer at home with family&friends.

Then in autumn I will be a tutor for the new international med-students coming to Tartu along with two other of my classmates. And yesterday we got to know that we will be split up and mixed with the Estonian groups already that first semester! Usually that has happened in Spring after the pre-clincal studies are over. Quite a surprise, but good that we figured that one out before the third year and not while starting a new semester.

Ah there are so many things I want to do! Reading all those books I put off reading (but still buying) during the semester. Yes and new ones are arriving in a couple of days ;) Meeting all those people I haven't seen for long, travel to Helsinki and meet up with people there. Work out. Swim in the ocean. Eating (more) strawberries. Scratching our cats (hoping not to find any ticks on them, you can just get anything from those nasty little things!).
Work starts on Monday, another nice thing! Working and really to do something (and get money for it) is a good time out from all the studying.

I just can say once again: What a feeling

1 kommentar:

  1. Ska bli så kul ti si dig igen :) Hitta på kul me gänge :)
