-First day of work, feels like I have never been gone and got fast into the same routines as before. A minor complainment could be given about the renovation that is going on a floor below us, they are drilling one floor below and somehow they manage to do this directly under some ventilation (?) so it is noisy all over the place.
-Spin&pump tonight, 1.5hours of workout. Looking forward to it!
-I already read my first book of the vacation on Saturday; When god was a rabbit by Sarah Winman. In the centre stands the relationship between a brother and sister (maybe that is why I had to buy and read this book, missing my brother and all), also relationships in general. The funny thing is that the sister's rabbit is called god, and he is almost a magic rabbit. Also the cover is amazing:

the blue is actually shimmering!
-Currently reading and trying to finish a book I started reading while ago; Eat, pray, love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Good thing that I have it in German, it has been a while since I read anything in my second mothertongue. Loved the movie too!
Anyhow, wish you all a nice start of the new week. Now I am only hoping for sunshine and summerheat to return.
Oj hande vill ja läsa, verkar bra :)