Summer has arrived this week, and lucky as I was I got to enjoy it on my day off on Monday! Meanwhile I also enjoy the sun even though I have the early shift, yhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifesterday at the summer cottage or mökki as it is called in Finnish. Today we decided to bike the 10km to our local amazing beach with my friend. And yes, I got a sunburn once again. (Even though after watching this clip I am almost certain I will die of skin cancer!)
I have also read four books already even though I haven't had more than 1.5 week vacation (and working 39h per week).
When God was A Rabbit by Sarah Winman (favorite so far!)
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (I have to admit, the movie was better! Just loved the amazing colors and sights!)
Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris (newest TrueBlood book, bit of a disappointment)
Everlasting by Alyson Noël (last book in a 6-book teen series, quite ok)
Maybe I am finally over my teen-book phase. It would be a nice change. Grow up readingwise also. Let's see. I have so many classics in my unread bookshelf (to mention a few: Frankenstein, Effi Briest, Phantom of the Opera, Emma...) I really should give the poor books a part of my time. My summer project is to finish Sofie's world after all these years. Sort of educational at the same time, I loved the one Philosophy course we had in high school!
Between work, working out, enjoying the sun and reading I will have time to spend an amazing weekend in Vasa in a couple of days. So looking forward to it! A lot of people to meet, amongst them my second half aka my roomie. You feel sort of cut off from the umbilical cord when you share your life 24-7 with somebody and then suddenly don't meet them at all!
Oh holy laziness
Yesterday I decided that it would be time to empty the suitcase. It only took me half a week to realize this, one I have been busy working, working out and being tired. In between there has been some reading in a coma-state of mind. But seeing it in the light that I have a workplace where working out is a second name after caretaking I need the time adapting. And not trying to overeat. Believe it or not, lifting, moving, putting clothes on, feeding, washing patients with a average age of 85 takes a lot of womenpower. Add then the struggle if the patient does not want to do all these things, but you still have to roll them around and change their diaper. Even though I like telling people the funny (and in their opinion repulsive) side of this work I love it. Because elderly patients really do need your help and they also have a right to live a worthly life in the end stages of life. And I admire my colleagues that have done this for so many years already. For me this is only the third summer.
Next summer I will get to work as a med-student already, following around the specialists. Feels weird, time flies! And even though I have learned a lot during this past year I do not feel ready for that quite yet. But hey, there is still another year of medschool before I get to do other stuff :)
Yesterday I got my adlibris book package (luckily for me they come with a bill and do not have to be paid straight away!) so now I can add another 4 books to my "to-read" bookcase.
Oh look at the time, soon off to work again (evening shift fortunately, I had three mornings in a row and as it is well known I actually am more of a night person and hate waking up early in the morning).
Soon some more updates.
Next summer I will get to work as a med-student already, following around the specialists. Feels weird, time flies! And even though I have learned a lot during this past year I do not feel ready for that quite yet. But hey, there is still another year of medschool before I get to do other stuff :)
Yesterday I got my adlibris book package (luckily for me they come with a bill and do not have to be paid straight away!) so now I can add another 4 books to my "to-read" bookcase.
Oh look at the time, soon off to work again (evening shift fortunately, I had three mornings in a row and as it is well known I actually am more of a night person and hate waking up early in the morning).
Soon some more updates.
Good day
-Got my microbiology result, it went more than well, yey!
-First day of work, feels like I have never been gone and got fast into the same routines as before. A minor complainment could be given about the renovation that is going on a floor below us, they are drilling one floor below and somehow they manage to do this directly under some ventilation (?) so it is noisy all over the place.
-Spin&pump tonight, 1.5hours of workout. Looking forward to it!
-I already read my first book of the vacation on Saturday; When god was a rabbit by Sarah Winman. In the centre stands the relationship between a brother and sister (maybe that is why I had to buy and read this book, missing my brother and all), also relationships in general. The funny thing is that the sister's rabbit is called god, and he is almost a magic rabbit. Also the cover is amazing:

the blue is actually shimmering!
-Currently reading and trying to finish a book I started reading while ago; Eat, pray, love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Good thing that I have it in German, it has been a while since I read anything in my second mothertongue. Loved the movie too!
Anyhow, wish you all a nice start of the new week. Now I am only hoping for sunshine and summerheat to return.
-First day of work, feels like I have never been gone and got fast into the same routines as before. A minor complainment could be given about the renovation that is going on a floor below us, they are drilling one floor below and somehow they manage to do this directly under some ventilation (?) so it is noisy all over the place.
-Spin&pump tonight, 1.5hours of workout. Looking forward to it!
-I already read my first book of the vacation on Saturday; When god was a rabbit by Sarah Winman. In the centre stands the relationship between a brother and sister (maybe that is why I had to buy and read this book, missing my brother and all), also relationships in general. The funny thing is that the sister's rabbit is called god, and he is almost a magic rabbit. Also the cover is amazing:

the blue is actually shimmering!
-Currently reading and trying to finish a book I started reading while ago; Eat, pray, love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Good thing that I have it in German, it has been a while since I read anything in my second mothertongue. Loved the movie too!
Anyhow, wish you all a nice start of the new week. Now I am only hoping for sunshine and summerheat to return.
What a feeling!
Vacation has finally arrived. After all this studying there is almost an empty feeling inside of you. What should you do now (what do you HAVE TO DO now)? After spending a day in bed studying (I had drawn my bed in front of my working desk, so I listened to the same playlist for about 12hours or so while studying in bed all day. Best studyday ever, with as little moving around as possible :P ) all those bacteria and viruses it felt good to go and vomit out your knowledge on that paper. 100 multiple choice questions and two essays,
one about a bacteria Neisseria gonorrhea and another about a virus Varicella Zoster (causing chicken pox). Fortunately the class above us had informed us about that these pathogens might come this year too, so we had looked them over extra well :)
The thing is that after an exam it is really hard for me to calm down. So yesterday I cleaned the apartment, which was in need of a serious cleaning session. Dishes up and down the kitchen counter, full garbage bins... You get the picture.
I also had time to finally meet up with my Mom, sister and aunt. They arrived at Tartu on Wednesday. Finally they too got to see the new apartment and we got to catch up.
Even though we were really tired we met up with some classmates and just hung out enjoying freedom until late in the night. I really will miss Tartu this summer. Here you can do a lot (go to restaurants/bars/shopping etc.) for a good price and there is always something happening. My small hometown then again at the Westcoast of Finland is quite dead compared to this. But then again it is the people that matter! So I will enjoy a nice lazy summer at home with family&friends.
Then in autumn I will be a tutor for the new international med-students coming to Tartu along with two other of my classmates. And yesterday we got to know that we will be split up and mixed with the Estonian groups already that first semester! Usually that has happened in Spring after the pre-clincal studies are over. Quite a surprise, but good that we figured that one out before the third year and not while starting a new semester.
Ah there are so many things I want to do! Reading all those books I put off reading (but still buying) during the semester. Yes and new ones are arriving in a couple of days ;) Meeting all those people I haven't seen for long, travel to Helsinki and meet up with people there. Work out. Swim in the ocean. Eating (more) strawberries. Scratching our cats (hoping not to find any ticks on them, you can just get anything from those nasty little things!).
Work starts on Monday, another nice thing! Working and really to do something (and get money for it) is a good time out from all the studying.
I just can say once again: What a feeling
one about a bacteria Neisseria gonorrhea and another about a virus Varicella Zoster (causing chicken pox). Fortunately the class above us had informed us about that these pathogens might come this year too, so we had looked them over extra well :)
The thing is that after an exam it is really hard for me to calm down. So yesterday I cleaned the apartment, which was in need of a serious cleaning session. Dishes up and down the kitchen counter, full garbage bins... You get the picture.
I also had time to finally meet up with my Mom, sister and aunt. They arrived at Tartu on Wednesday. Finally they too got to see the new apartment and we got to catch up.
Even though we were really tired we met up with some classmates and just hung out enjoying freedom until late in the night. I really will miss Tartu this summer. Here you can do a lot (go to restaurants/bars/shopping etc.) for a good price and there is always something happening. My small hometown then again at the Westcoast of Finland is quite dead compared to this. But then again it is the people that matter! So I will enjoy a nice lazy summer at home with family&friends.
Then in autumn I will be a tutor for the new international med-students coming to Tartu along with two other of my classmates. And yesterday we got to know that we will be split up and mixed with the Estonian groups already that first semester! Usually that has happened in Spring after the pre-clincal studies are over. Quite a surprise, but good that we figured that one out before the third year and not while starting a new semester.
Ah there are so many things I want to do! Reading all those books I put off reading (but still buying) during the semester. Yes and new ones are arriving in a couple of days ;) Meeting all those people I haven't seen for long, travel to Helsinki and meet up with people there. Work out. Swim in the ocean. Eating (more) strawberries. Scratching our cats (hoping not to find any ticks on them, you can just get anything from those nasty little things!).
Work starts on Monday, another nice thing! Working and really to do something (and get money for it) is a good time out from all the studying.
I just can say once again: What a feeling
Eat, sleep, study-One woman's search for Everything Across the field of Microbiology
Preparing for this exam really brings out what is the most elementary in your life. Eating, sleeping, showering and studying. A lot more isn't needed. Luckily enough the heat wave is over, so one could actually even cross out the showering part.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Still the most annoying thing is that even how much you study, you still know nothing. Because you keep messing things up (Was this a Gram positive or negative bacteria? Aerobic or anaerobic? How did this kind of antibiotics work again?).
The most irrelevant things stick to mind. Here are some fun facts:
-The infective form of Chlamydia is 0.3micrometers big, whereas the intracellular form is 1 micrometer big.
-What is the difference between Herpes and true love? Herpes lasts forever!
-45% of labial Herpes and 60% of genital Herpes carriers will experience relapse.
-There is something called "swimmer's ear" and this is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Yes, very interesting and useful things that ought to be kept in mind, or not...
Anyhow, soon this pain will be over soon. Physiology went more than well, so I just hope to make it through this exam too to be able to enjoy a summer without studies and concentrate on family&friends, books, working out, swimming & sunbathing. And well, some work too :)

Still the most annoying thing is that even how much you study, you still know nothing. Because you keep messing things up (Was this a Gram positive or negative bacteria? Aerobic or anaerobic? How did this kind of antibiotics work again?).
The most irrelevant things stick to mind. Here are some fun facts:
-The infective form of Chlamydia is 0.3micrometers big, whereas the intracellular form is 1 micrometer big.
-What is the difference between Herpes and true love? Herpes lasts forever!
-45% of labial Herpes and 60% of genital Herpes carriers will experience relapse.
-There is something called "swimmer's ear" and this is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Yes, very interesting and useful things that ought to be kept in mind, or not...
Anyhow, soon this pain will be over soon. Physiology went more than well, so I just hope to make it through this exam too to be able to enjoy a summer without studies and concentrate on family&friends, books, working out, swimming & sunbathing. And well, some work too :)

Heat, exam, weekend and everything in between
Today I wrote my Physiology exam. The trip up until this exam has been the usual one, too optimistic with the time, leading to an extreme repetition day the day-night-morning before the exam. Normally I stress out by that point, can't study properly, nervousness has taken over my body. But yesterday was an exception, I was as calm as one could be! Instead I had an urge to puke instead this morning in school waiting for hell to start.
The problem with Physiology (teaching about how everything works in the body, a lot of integrational knowledge, a bit of Chemistry and Physics...) is not that it is boring. It is very interesting. Neither is it a "hard" subject to master. Things in the body work normally quite logically, also you have some knowledge beforehand that you can build on. The problem lies within the amount of information to take in. It is an endless subject (everything from how we form our faeces (had that as a question today) to how some hormone works, is produced/inhibited) and so much yet to discover (especially about some higher brain function, we still do not know WHY and HOW the body induces sleep!). But I am still so happy about the fact that it is over.
The next project will be to take on all bacteria, viruses, fungi, antibacterial medicines and co. Also very interesting, but just a pain in the ass to learn. Many details, and a whole new world that has opened to us during this year!

And yes, the heat continues. Our apartment is luckier than many elses, the heat inside does at least not exceed the warmth outside. As long as you stay put in the apartment things will be just fine. It's the outside world that is knocking you out after a trip to the store (just some 100m from the apartment).
Apparently another week also has passed, and it's Friday! Feels like waking up after a long sleep to realise normal things around you once again; diving up for a quick breath before taking the next dive. To celebrate this I was at the hairdresser's and ordered my summer bookpackage from Adlibris. Can't wait to start read what I want and do stuff whenever I want to. Without having a bad conscious about it!!
6 days until summer vacation :)
Tartu again!
After a pain in the ass of a trip I am back in Tartu! It was like coming to the tropics (in the Westcoast of Finland summer usually means sunshine with cool breezes!) and it was already 10.30 pm
Tomorrow I will have to work some Physiology-magic and read a LOT of pages. I wanted to read efficiently on the train, ferry, bus. But my plans got crashed by a screaming horde of children in various ages. VR's (Finnish train company) internetbooking service managed to put me in the children's wagon. I was dying a bit every other minute. I love kids I do. They just don't go well together with my Physiology books and tiredness.
Now some sleep, it's so lonely after being at home with 3 persons + 2 cats maybe I will have to invite in more mosquitoes for company.
Tomorrow I will have to work some Physiology-magic and read a LOT of pages. I wanted to read efficiently on the train, ferry, bus. But my plans got crashed by a screaming horde of children in various ages. VR's (Finnish train company) internetbooking service managed to put me in the children's wagon. I was dying a bit every other minute. I love kids I do. They just don't go well together with my Physiology books and tiredness.
Now some sleep, it's so lonely after being at home with 3 persons + 2 cats maybe I will have to invite in more mosquitoes for company.
Home sweet home
Hey there!
My biochem exam went more than well. Even though the teachers wanted to grill mhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gife somewhat extra (probably because I was second one out and they still had the motivation to ask the students extra questions). Fortunately we got to write our answers down on paper. Then they looked it over and started asking extra questions for fun.
My first question was sort of a pain in the ass. They wanted to know when gluconeogenesis (formation of sugar in the body from non-sugar compounds. Functions in the liver) is important. And starvation did not count. My first sleep deprived thought was alcoholics. They need everything and everything is messed up. Well then they wanted an explanation to WHY alcoholics (they made me aware of that alcoholics maybe wasn't the best answer but not wrong ofcourse).
The teacher got somewhat annoyed, and finally said that I had written it on the paper. Basically. I just had to SAY it too. So I asked to get my paper back :D
Now afterwards the smarter answer would probably have been to say pregnant women. They are also a group that everything is "messed up" with.
So a tip for all of you; alcoholics and pregnant women are always safe cards to play on!
The trip to Vaasa went fine. I think I was in a half-coma most of the time, because most of it just blurred together. I got a ride with a classmate so we were 3 grils and a dog escaping on Tallink to Helsinki.
When you have been abroad you often see the bad sides of your country more clearly. I really hate Finnish music in general. Of course there are some exceptions. And by this I don't mean that Estonian music would be better :P
Also I was annoyed finding my seat on the train. I had (unusually) a big bag, and some brick of books (physiology) in there. So it was quite hard getting it on the stand above your seat. I tried. And a lady started to help me. Nada. We tried again. Only THEN a guy offered his help. Why not help right before we bent and broke our backs? Finish men...
The double graduation party of my friends was superb. For once the party went on all night long ;) Fine new memories to talk about later when I sit in my pink wheelchair suffering from severe dementia!
So here I still am a week after that exam, at homehome. Actually getting some studying done. I guess people still can change at 22.
Summervacation starts for real in 2 weeks!!! I already have a bunch of books I want to order. And I think I want to rediscover the local library (best I have yet seen, beats other ones any time!) and thereby maybe spare my money :P Good luck. I think one thing will never change; and that is me being a chronic bookshopper.
My biochem exam went more than well. Even though the teachers wanted to grill mhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gife somewhat extra (probably because I was second one out and they still had the motivation to ask the students extra questions). Fortunately we got to write our answers down on paper. Then they looked it over and started asking extra questions for fun.
My first question was sort of a pain in the ass. They wanted to know when gluconeogenesis (formation of sugar in the body from non-sugar compounds. Functions in the liver) is important. And starvation did not count. My first sleep deprived thought was alcoholics. They need everything and everything is messed up. Well then they wanted an explanation to WHY alcoholics (they made me aware of that alcoholics maybe wasn't the best answer but not wrong ofcourse).
The teacher got somewhat annoyed, and finally said that I had written it on the paper. Basically. I just had to SAY it too. So I asked to get my paper back :D
Now afterwards the smarter answer would probably have been to say pregnant women. They are also a group that everything is "messed up" with.
So a tip for all of you; alcoholics and pregnant women are always safe cards to play on!
The trip to Vaasa went fine. I think I was in a half-coma most of the time, because most of it just blurred together. I got a ride with a classmate so we were 3 grils and a dog escaping on Tallink to Helsinki.
When you have been abroad you often see the bad sides of your country more clearly. I really hate Finnish music in general. Of course there are some exceptions. And by this I don't mean that Estonian music would be better :P
Also I was annoyed finding my seat on the train. I had (unusually) a big bag, and some brick of books (physiology) in there. So it was quite hard getting it on the stand above your seat. I tried. And a lady started to help me. Nada. We tried again. Only THEN a guy offered his help. Why not help right before we bent and broke our backs? Finish men...
The double graduation party of my friends was superb. For once the party went on all night long ;) Fine new memories to talk about later when I sit in my pink wheelchair suffering from severe dementia!
So here I still am a week after that exam, at homehome. Actually getting some studying done. I guess people still can change at 22.
Summervacation starts for real in 2 weeks!!! I already have a bunch of books I want to order. And I think I want to rediscover the local library (best I have yet seen, beats other ones any time!) and thereby maybe spare my money :P Good luck. I think one thing will never change; and that is me being a chronic bookshopper.
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