Today I started to open my Christmas calender Mom had bought me last one of the times I was home. So today there is 24 days for studying, then freedom arrives (if only temporarly ;) It is one of those beautiful old-fashioned ones :)
But still I was thinking today that I should get a choco edition too, one I open on the proper dates. Because this has been a very important tradition, and if I recall correctly I have sometime sworn to never go a Christmas without a choco calender even though I would be 85 years old. I guess I have to keep up to that promise ;)
Here is a photo for P, she requested it the minute she found out that I have finally found a penguin worth taking home. I have not yet named him (a penguin has to be a HE doesn't it?), but maybe there will pop some name into mind someday. Now He is just sitting happily next to my Lotta på Bråkmakargatan-pig :D
About 1,5 week ago my little brother left for his mission. The whole family was there to say goodbye early Friday morning at the airport. The night before we had a nice dinner at Amarillo. Not having N at home feels terrible. There is only a 1,5 year gap between us, so we have always been hanging out and doing stuff (my aunt likes to tell the story about how I was "cooking" in our garden in Germany and I made N run after flowers, grass and all the other things needed for cooking) and we have not ever had a fight. And since I am the oldest I am not really used to others leaving the family nest. Here is our whole troup:
Last week we got our first e-mail from N. He is currently in England for Missionary training (aka schooling), and will leave for Sweden at the last day of the month.
He is doing great, has a good companion and learns a lot. Also he is kept busy, gets good food and enough sleep. Very much more a person does not need ;) Tomorrow I hope to get yet another mail. Because as Mom wrote in the first mail to him, we cried so much that first weekend at home, and we miss him. On the other hand, there have been great blessings already the same day that he left. Mom and I were joking that we probably want him to stay another year, just to get those blessings still ;) It has been everything from getting money to singing without laughing at Father's day in church, but that is another story ;)
This is about it. Nothing interesting going on, except school stress, snow and waiting for Christmas break. Well I do have my birthday in a week, so I am trying to figure out something fun to do (something else than the traditional movie and eating, the only thing I seem to do here in my spare time).
I hope that I will have more time, and more inspiration to write, if there does happen something. Take care, and enjoy the pre-Christmas time <3
Aww, va gulli pingu du har. Kalender e o fin, vill o hitt na kalender, men he finns ju int na hä :(
SvaraRaderaJoo den är ganska liten, så helt handy att den inte upptar halva lägenheten :D Köpte idag en chokokalender dessutom på stan, den blir öppnad så som det skall öppnas ;)