Jag vet att lillajul är imorgon officiellt, men eftersom det blev en hemmakväll ikväll tänkte jag ha det lite mysigt.
Imorse städade jag lägenheten så grundligt som jag inte har gjort på länge. Eftersom jag var bort några helgar blev det liksom lite uppehåll med städning så det var minsann smutsigt. En annan orsak var väl förra helgens extrema vitamin-pluggande också. Nåja, pointen är iallafall att det blev jättefräscht. Jag sorterade nämligen alla mina kurspapper, kollade på internet vilka som fattades osv. Det var några timmars jobb, men det var nödvändigt. Sen som pricken på i tog jag fram ljusstaken mamsen köpte åt mig för två veckor sen då jag var hemma. Jag gick den extra milen till Selver ("min" butik, det var nog närmare bestämt ingen mil utan snarare de extra 700metrarna...). Där blev det bara nödvändiga saker köpt, som värmeljus, glögg med tillbehör, pepparkakor. Allt det som behövs för en lillajulskväll. Det enda som fattades var jultårtorna!
Nu har det blivit kallare här också, och det har därför slutat snöa. Det var helt underbart faktiskt att gå till butiken, inte bara för att jag övervann min lathet, utan för att det var så jättevackert ute. Funderar på att gå till stan imorgon, skall nämligen på bio. Ett minus med kylan är att mina batterier går på högvarv, och jag kan inte justera dem. Så allt emellanåt blir det att ta upp fönstret.
Bestämde mig för att se på filmen Wall Street, money never sleeps, fast jag inte har sett första delen (och alla säger att man borde se den före den här...). Det var en helt normi-film, största plusset var väl att den som var i huvudrollen var en helt snygg pojke :D
Det ploppar in flera paket/kuvert i postlådan, igår fick jag ett stort kuvert från Sverige av P. Skall bli roligt att öppna allt sen på onsdagen!
På min födelsedag väntar även skriftligt och muntligt estniskaprov. Oh Freude. Jag hoppas verkligen att jag inte failar, att min födelsedag inte blir förstörd, och att jag inte ens börjar stressa för det. Det förstör så mycket, dessutom åldras man i förtid ;) Gaah, tänk att man blir 22år snart. Nå, åtminstone studerar jag i det här laget det jag vill, one achievement at least. Återstår bara 50 andra att uppfylla!
Ha en riktigt mysig lillajul, ät jultårtor för mig också!
Fantastical youtube
There are some funny things on youtube, this is for those who know Finnish. I laughed so much about this yesterday that I was on a great mood all evening! And the irony is that I recognize myself in so many of the stuff they are talking about ;)
First year of med-school
Second year of med-school
This is for those who know Swedish, know med-school related but still very funny. Thanks F!
First year of med-school
Second year of med-school
This is for those who know Swedish, know med-school related but still very funny. Thanks F!
We're walking in a winterwonderlaaand called Tartu
Today has been a good day. Not only did it snow more, but I got another test done and held our presentation about the survey we did about Finnish med-students well-being in Tartu. Even though it has been a pain in the ass to do this project, I was really glad with our outcome. We came up with the topic ourselves (worked with F & H on this one), with got about 50% of the participants to answer and we even did get some statistical significant associations! Even though the teacher said that because our groups are so small we hardly would get any ;) Our purpose was also to get the project report to the Dean's office, and maybe he would consider the results and in the slightest bit of chance even get some changes done!? One can always dream ;)
Because yesterday I heard about our third year's students unfortunate event, based on old fashioned school "policy". I think the school should consider to do things easier for their students, not make they life a living hell (which med-school, especially in the third year literally is...) and also that the students could have some kind of influence on their studies, teachers, tests etc. I think this system works quite well in Finland and other Nordic countries, why couldn't that work here also? Well I hope our Finnish colleages in the third year get to figure out some kind of solution to this problem.
Today as I went to town for my massage, I also got some christmasy-stuff done. Bought some nice cards. Looked around for presents I will buy (for myself :P and for family/friends). And I got my birthday package from the post office. This was from Germany and I can't wait to open it next week!
And the most important thing was that I finally got to get to the grocery store. I am a lazy person, and since I do not have a functioning bike at the moment, and due to the winter-weather, I just can't get myself to work the 500m. to the store! So I always try to trick myself into grocery-shopping, by combining it with something else I have to do. BUT, this has had its good sides too. Toady I noticed that I've lost two kilos, wohoo. So bring on the laziness, and get rid of extra weight :D
At the store I also picked up another Christmas calender, a proper one.

There are some things I am really picky about. Christmas calender is one of them. Another one is Brötchen and cakes. These things are due to me growing up with a Grandpa who owned his own bakery, and well that makes you kind of picky. As a kid I also always had a proper Christmas calender, thanks to my Grandma and later on my Mom. Because Germans just know how to make proper calenders and Brötchen :D
We have a net course in Estonian going on right now. And it is slowly but surely killing me. Along with all the other schoolstuff yet to be done. That's why I am this efficient and blog instead of reading!
Got a new mail from my brother today. He is still a happy guy doing great in England, and they have better weather now, no snow. Next week he will be traveling to Sweden. I am anxiously waiting for him/us to know where he will serve as a greenie(missionaries in the first place out in the field are called this).
For the record the other members of my family are doing great too. Our cats are getting fatter (probably due to the winter fur, right?) and it is freaking cold there. So I like my winterwonderland here in Tartu. Proper amount of snow, and acceptable readings on the thermometer!
Because yesterday I heard about our third year's students unfortunate event, based on old fashioned school "policy". I think the school should consider to do things easier for their students, not make they life a living hell (which med-school, especially in the third year literally is...) and also that the students could have some kind of influence on their studies, teachers, tests etc. I think this system works quite well in Finland and other Nordic countries, why couldn't that work here also? Well I hope our Finnish colleages in the third year get to figure out some kind of solution to this problem.
Today as I went to town for my massage, I also got some christmasy-stuff done. Bought some nice cards. Looked around for presents I will buy (for myself :P and for family/friends). And I got my birthday package from the post office. This was from Germany and I can't wait to open it next week!
And the most important thing was that I finally got to get to the grocery store. I am a lazy person, and since I do not have a functioning bike at the moment, and due to the winter-weather, I just can't get myself to work the 500m. to the store! So I always try to trick myself into grocery-shopping, by combining it with something else I have to do. BUT, this has had its good sides too. Toady I noticed that I've lost two kilos, wohoo. So bring on the laziness, and get rid of extra weight :D
At the store I also picked up another Christmas calender, a proper one.
There are some things I am really picky about. Christmas calender is one of them. Another one is Brötchen and cakes. These things are due to me growing up with a Grandpa who owned his own bakery, and well that makes you kind of picky. As a kid I also always had a proper Christmas calender, thanks to my Grandma and later on my Mom. Because Germans just know how to make proper calenders and Brötchen :D
We have a net course in Estonian going on right now. And it is slowly but surely killing me. Along with all the other schoolstuff yet to be done. That's why I am this efficient and blog instead of reading!
Got a new mail from my brother today. He is still a happy guy doing great in England, and they have better weather now, no snow. Next week he will be traveling to Sweden. I am anxiously waiting for him/us to know where he will serve as a greenie(missionaries in the first place out in the field are called this).
For the record the other members of my family are doing great too. Our cats are getting fatter (probably due to the winter fur, right?) and it is freaking cold there. So I like my winterwonderland here in Tartu. Proper amount of snow, and acceptable readings on the thermometer!
So it has been a while! I have been really busy. School is getting busier and busier, also I have been home two weekends in a row this month due to my brother leaving for his mission. At home there has been a lot of snow, and after the second round I thought well traveling this way (an aprox of 12h one way) isn't THAT bad... But I have been lacking school motivation, and I would like to do things not school related.
Today I started to open my Christmas calender Mom had bought me last one of the times I was home. So today there is 24 days for studying, then freedom arrives (if only temporarly ;) It is one of those beautiful old-fashioned ones :)

But still I was thinking today that I should get a choco edition too, one I open on the proper dates. Because this has been a very important tradition, and if I recall correctly I have sometime sworn to never go a Christmas without a choco calender even though I would be 85 years old. I guess I have to keep up to that promise ;)
Here is a photo for P, she requested it the minute she found out that I have finally found a penguin worth taking home. I have not yet named him (a penguin has to be a HE doesn't it?), but maybe there will pop some name into mind someday. Now He is just sitting happily next to my Lotta på Bråkmakargatan-pig :D

About 1,5 week ago my little brother left for his mission. The whole family was there to say goodbye early Friday morning at the airport. The night before we had a nice dinner at Amarillo. Not having N at home feels terrible. There is only a 1,5 year gap between us, so we have always been hanging out and doing stuff (my aunt likes to tell the story about how I was "cooking" in our garden in Germany and I made N run after flowers, grass and all the other things needed for cooking) and we have not ever had a fight. And since I am the oldest I am not really used to others leaving the family nest. Here is our whole troup:

Last week we got our first e-mail from N. He is currently in England for Missionary training (aka schooling), and will leave for Sweden at the last day of the month.
He is doing great, has a good companion and learns a lot. Also he is kept busy, gets good food and enough sleep. Very much more a person does not need ;) Tomorrow I hope to get yet another mail. Because as Mom wrote in the first mail to him, we cried so much that first weekend at home, and we miss him. On the other hand, there have been great blessings already the same day that he left. Mom and I were joking that we probably want him to stay another year, just to get those blessings still ;) It has been everything from getting money to singing without laughing at Father's day in church, but that is another story ;)
This is about it. Nothing interesting going on, except school stress, snow and waiting for Christmas break. Well I do have my birthday in a week, so I am trying to figure out something fun to do (something else than the traditional movie and eating, the only thing I seem to do here in my spare time).
I hope that I will have more time, and more inspiration to write, if there does happen something. Take care, and enjoy the pre-Christmas time <3
Today I started to open my Christmas calender Mom had bought me last one of the times I was home. So today there is 24 days for studying, then freedom arrives (if only temporarly ;) It is one of those beautiful old-fashioned ones :)
But still I was thinking today that I should get a choco edition too, one I open on the proper dates. Because this has been a very important tradition, and if I recall correctly I have sometime sworn to never go a Christmas without a choco calender even though I would be 85 years old. I guess I have to keep up to that promise ;)
Here is a photo for P, she requested it the minute she found out that I have finally found a penguin worth taking home. I have not yet named him (a penguin has to be a HE doesn't it?), but maybe there will pop some name into mind someday. Now He is just sitting happily next to my Lotta på Bråkmakargatan-pig :D
About 1,5 week ago my little brother left for his mission. The whole family was there to say goodbye early Friday morning at the airport. The night before we had a nice dinner at Amarillo. Not having N at home feels terrible. There is only a 1,5 year gap between us, so we have always been hanging out and doing stuff (my aunt likes to tell the story about how I was "cooking" in our garden in Germany and I made N run after flowers, grass and all the other things needed for cooking) and we have not ever had a fight. And since I am the oldest I am not really used to others leaving the family nest. Here is our whole troup:
Last week we got our first e-mail from N. He is currently in England for Missionary training (aka schooling), and will leave for Sweden at the last day of the month.
He is doing great, has a good companion and learns a lot. Also he is kept busy, gets good food and enough sleep. Very much more a person does not need ;) Tomorrow I hope to get yet another mail. Because as Mom wrote in the first mail to him, we cried so much that first weekend at home, and we miss him. On the other hand, there have been great blessings already the same day that he left. Mom and I were joking that we probably want him to stay another year, just to get those blessings still ;) It has been everything from getting money to singing without laughing at Father's day in church, but that is another story ;)
This is about it. Nothing interesting going on, except school stress, snow and waiting for Christmas break. Well I do have my birthday in a week, so I am trying to figure out something fun to do (something else than the traditional movie and eating, the only thing I seem to do here in my spare time).
I hope that I will have more time, and more inspiration to write, if there does happen something. Take care, and enjoy the pre-Christmas time <3
Today I have learned 2 important things:
1. If you want to eat sweets or any unhealthy high-carb food you should do this for breakfast. Then the body actually needs carbs and those will not be converted into body fats. Sweets eaten in the evening will give you some higher numbers on your dear friend, the scale.
2. How to make Immunology seminars more enjoyable. Take a sheet of paper and two pencils. Then you and your friend sitting next to you make up different tasks (names of all countries in Asia/Africa/South America, movietitles starting with a specific letter...). Then you just start writing both of you until you have completed/are satisfied with your list. Three hours of non-understandable crap will transform into a nice time-out.
1. If you want to eat sweets or any unhealthy high-carb food you should do this for breakfast. Then the body actually needs carbs and those will not be converted into body fats. Sweets eaten in the evening will give you some higher numbers on your dear friend, the scale.
2. How to make Immunology seminars more enjoyable. Take a sheet of paper and two pencils. Then you and your friend sitting next to you make up different tasks (names of all countries in Asia/Africa/South America, movietitles starting with a specific letter...). Then you just start writing both of you until you have completed/are satisfied with your list. Three hours of non-understandable crap will transform into a nice time-out.
I am trying really hard to be superwoman at the moment. Lots to do, because the two following weekends I will be in Finland! Yes I decided not to go to Sweden, since the accomodation problem was not solved. So I wanted instead to join the family to take goodbyes when my brother will be leaving for his mission on November 12th. As this day is getting closer and closer, I feel prouder of him each day. But also the sting of sadness grows. My brother is one of my best friends, and not seeing him for two years will be hard. I will just have to teach him to write me proper e-mails once in a while, then maybe I will survive ;)
So I had this list this weekend. With a PILE of stuff to do. And surprisingly I did all of them. I usually never stick to lists, they stress me out more than they help me. But ever since last week's tests I have been going ylikierroksella-på övervarv. I just hope hope hope that I can relax on my weekend-trips, because I really need to. And I need to sleep properly. One can only manage on superwoman-speed for a while until it just is too much.
So I had this list this weekend. With a PILE of stuff to do. And surprisingly I did all of them. I usually never stick to lists, they stress me out more than they help me. But ever since last week's tests I have been going ylikierroksella-på övervarv. I just hope hope hope that I can relax on my weekend-trips, because I really need to. And I need to sleep properly. One can only manage on superwoman-speed for a while until it just is too much.
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