Real human bones to learn by heart....
Sunday's usually turn out to be a lazy start of the new week! Today has been one of those lazy Sundays, except that I studied the bones for a while and I had to do some laundry too. Tuesday morning will be departureday; Germany here I come! Great with some time off. Even though I have to study a whole lot, bones&joints exam coming up in a week!!! Hope I will manage.
Friday I went and bought a bike! I was so happy about it, and imagine the disappointment when the chain jumped off 3 times on the way home... I got really angry and depressed, seemed like everything I choose I choose wrong. But on Saturday I went back to the store and they fixed it for me. Since then I have been a happy bikeowner, who just yesterday realized that I only have 10min. to town by bike!
Friday was partyday, at Raatuse with my former roomie and a bunch of other people. One of those crazy nights again. Came "home" to her place at about four in the morning.... If you want to know more you'll have to ask ;P
Saturday evening we met at Dolce Vita for some Italian food; a bunch of us who are studying medicine here. Good food, nice company! I was a bit afraid to leave my bike chained outside that time of the week, but nothing happend with it. Maybe I'm just being paranoid about stuff here.
Put up some pics today from Estonia and last Summer on facebook, if you wanna have a look. I had a good time remembering past fun days with friends. Still have to take some pics from my new apartment and put them on facebook.
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