
Job opening

Job describtion:
bodyguarding, cooking, massaging, driving, keeping company, occassional cleaning, shopping for groceries, decisionmaking help, repairing&fixing

Tall, preferably male, IT-knowledge

Working hours:
Whenever I need help

Starting date:
As soon as possible



Good day!

Real human bones to learn by heart....

Sunday's usually turn out to be a lazy start of the new week! Today has been one of those lazy Sundays, except that I studied the bones for a while and I had to do some laundry too. Tuesday morning will be departureday; Germany here I come! Great with some time off. Even though I have to study a whole lot, bones&joints exam coming up in a week!!! Hope I will manage.

Friday I went and bought a bike! I was so happy about it, and imagine the disappointment when the chain jumped off 3 times on the way home... I got really angry and depressed, seemed like everything I choose I choose wrong. But on Saturday I went back to the store and they fixed it for me. Since then I have been a happy bikeowner, who just yesterday realized that I only have 10min. to town by bike!

Friday was partyday, at Raatuse with my former roomie and a bunch of other people. One of those crazy nights again. Came "home" to her place at about four in the morning.... If you want to know more you'll have to ask ;P
Saturday evening we met at Dolce Vita for some Italian food; a bunch of us who are studying medicine here. Good food, nice company! I was a bit afraid to leave my bike chained outside that time of the week, but nothing happend with it. Maybe I'm just being paranoid about stuff here.

Put up some pics today from Estonia and last Summer on facebook, if you wanna have a look. I had a good time remembering past fun days with friends. Still have to take some pics from my new apartment and put them on facebook.


Past week

It's been a while since I wrote; and there have been some stuff going on :) First of all: I had a great weekend in Helsinki. Being around Swedish-speaking Finns (even though they have their own Southern accent) is really nice. Me and Jenny didn't do much, but it still was a wonderful weekend. I did however buy another little black dress. I think Lii has had some "bad" influence on me with her dresscraziness. But they are just soooo... wonderful! And since I will be amongst the closest familymembers at my aunt's wedding next week in Germany.....
We did also watch the movie Brüno. Compared to Borat this movie really was over the edge and it wasn't even in a funny way... So don't watch it, you'll be wasting your time!
And we got to do some hard work too, as we were putting together an Ikea-table. Real women neither need men nor machines for this task. Just the right music (low low low, you spin my head right round and what comes around goes around) were needed and the screws did finally get into their proper places!
Saturday night was Inledande sitz at Teknologföreningen. Jenny studies at TKK which means that she also gets me connected with the right people to get me into the right parties ;) It was a pitty that we had to catch the last bus, since the "feelis" was just at its best when we left :/ Next time we will sleep at TF we decided. If the party is just as good as that time!

Sunday I really did believe I was ready to go back and take up my Tartu-life. WRONG! On the boat+bus back I really got depressed and low after my euphoric weekend (and week as a matter of fact; lots of parties going on...)
Tuesday was movingday! I was sad to leave Raatuse, since I had gotten used to the company. But being in my own little space made me, once again, euphoric. Since then it's been up and down with my mood. Hoping to get some balance in my life real soon!

Today me and two girls from school went to a gym-class Stripdancing. Yes that's right. I have actually always wanted to try something like that, and I was really funny :P We did put the joint's axes (as we learned today in Anatomy) into action!!! Maybe now the theoretical part will be learned easier...?!

I just figured out today that Latin is probably the most logical language of all. When I studied my babies, aka the bones, I got the "smart" idea to look up some of the words on the internet. And boy when you really KNOW what all that stuff about tuberculum, apex, caput and company is this Anatomy gets a lot easier. Maybe I will learn the bones&joints by heart in a week after all?! But our Latinteacher isn't the greatest (who cares about stressing syllables and pronounciation in a dead language that Estonians and Finns have a different opinion on what is the right way anyhow?!?! I will need to learn it the "wrong" way around anyway when I work in Finland)

Well I have a great weekend ahead; hope you will have a goodie too!


Helsinki in my heart!

What I've been missing:
-Finnish apartments
-Finnish water
-My own Swedish dialect
-Having those, I-know-exactly-what-you-think-without-saying-it, moments
-Helsinki area's buses, lähijunat and spåran
-Proper food
-Feeling at home and at ease!

I arrived after about 9hours of travelling in Espoo/Helsinki. But we had a real fun trip together with some other girls from my class. Me and Heidi went buffe-eating on the boat, and namnam it was good :D Here are the travelfacts about my trip "home"
1. Taxi from the facultybuilding to bussijaam (busstation) ~10min
2. Bus leaving at 5pm and arriving in Tallinn at 7.30pm
3. Walking from the busstation to the ship, took some time since we went to a supermarket on our way.
4. By boat (tallink) to Helsinki 9-11pm
5. Lähijuna to Leppävaara

But yeps I feel at home, even though I'm staying at a friend's apartment. Just being here is awesome. Had to recover from some late nights also, and have to study also. Don't think I'm gonna have any luck with that though, so the bones just have to wait!

I should get going, meeting Jenny in 1,5h and have to get to tkk by that. Then we're off to Helsinki centre, have to find some proper shoes if I want to walk there in Tartu. Btw don't ever buy any Lacosteshoes, hate mine and they aren't very fine quality even though you pay a lot of money for them....

With love from Helsinki!



So here I am again! In a good mood and would like to do some serious partying tonight. But I have been on partymotion since, uhm, Friday?! Anyhow, tonight would be perfect, even though I have classes at 9 am tomorrow x)

Yesterday a bunch from our class watched a movie, Blow, another good Depp-movie! He's just such a genious. Perfect actor, and quite good-looking too.

Next week I'll be moving to my own apartment, about 4km from citycentre. Hope I won't die a social death there. Since I am extremly sällskapssjuk at the moment. Have definitly got to get a bike to get around town! Buses aren't going that often so... But at least it's near school.

The practicals I'll be missing, I got them all figured out by now. Talked to the teachers and so on. I can enjoy my stay in Germany without having to worry!

Had a real bad schoolday, don't know how I got all depressed and down. But it's always a up and down. One day good, then the next day bad. Talked about it with a couple of classmates, and had a nice afternoon in town with our Swedish guy. Ate some nice pasta and went to kaubamaja etc. Actually saw some older students I knew from before. And they are living just above the pastarestaurant! :) GREAT apartment. Probably will look at some objects in town, even though I have found one I want to find a better one :D

It is almost awful how fast you forget that you are dealing with REAL bones in Anatomy. But it's fun, can't wait until we get to "play" with the corpses.


Första helgen!

So this time I'll write in Swedish, sorry :P

Jepp så har det efter vad som verkar tusen år blivit helg! Hade ledigt igår, fredag, och de flesta från klassen skulle fara hem (verkar det som iallafall). Jag tog tillfället i akt och gick på ärenden efter en slapp förmiddag. Måste anmäla mig till Tartu stad som invånare, fixa studiekort och före det foton, handla nåt smått. På kvällen hade vi blivit bjuden att joina de estniska veterinärstudernaden på nån restaurang. Men bestämde mig sist och slutligen för att fara med min tyska rumskompis och hennes vänner ut och äta, sen till en bar. Tror bestämt igår var bästa dagen i mitt estniska liv. Fick vara ifred på dagen på rummet också, vilket va skönt. Börjar tänka positivt och försöker att börja finna min plast i mitt nya hemland. För som sagt att avbryta studierna är inget alternativ för mig. Det är här jag skall vara! Första tiden var i Hesa också svårt för mig, men jag tror det framträder bara tydligare då jag är i en helt ny kultur och inte kan språket. Sen känns barriären och ta sig hem överstor, en helg skulle jag kanske hinna va hem lite mer än 24h om jag skulle fara med båt+tåg. Hitta ett billigt flyg dock i oktober på 140€ Tallinn-Vasa. Då skulle man spara tid. Bara man hinner ta sig till Tallinn efter lektionerna, har practicals som jag inte kan vara bort från på torsdags eftermiddag...

"Av ständig oro för stort och smått blev jag alltmer som en igelkott" har en lyriker sagt. Och jag vet inte, den meningen snurrar i huvudet på mig allt som oftast nu. Men jag skall motverka och inte bli en igelkott. Jag är tyvärr av naturen en person som oroar och grubblar mycket, ofta mot det negativa hållet. En känsloperson helt enkelt. Men jag tror hårt på att det finns en mening med att jag kommit hit för att studera och att det ingår i någon större plan. Det har pushat mig idag. Och sen att folk tror på mig! Det är det bästa stödet man kan ge åt mig :) Sen alla erfarenheter. Som att igår bara hänga på med ett okänt gäng och ändå känna sig totalt välkommen och som en i gänget. Har bestämt mig för att vänder saker till det positiva. Har haft det tidigare som mål också, men nu har ju spelpjäserna ändrat lite... Måste påminna mig själv om mina gamla löften :D

Har bestämt mig och använda min estniska ordbok mera. Så här kommer några enkla ord:

Hej: Tere
Hejdå: Nägemist
Tack: Tänan/aitäh
-tack så mycket: suur tänu
Please: Palun

En intressant, men samtidigt skrämmande, sak som vår anatomilärare berätta var att orsaken till varför vi inte använder nyare ben på lektioner (de vi har e hundra år ca). Eftersom folk har minskat sin motion och aktivitet så syns det även på benen. Fåror och håligheter utvecklas inte, och man får ett "outvecklat" skelett. Eftersom det är muskler som formar dem. Aldrig tänkt på den saken!!
Vänta på våren då vi skall få börja leka runt med muskler och mer "färska" saker. Folk brukar tycka det är äckligt, och kanske också känslokallt allt tycka det. Att det ju är en död människa. Men som jag redan fick märka på sommarjobbet att en död kropp är bara en död kropp. Det är inte personen som e kvar utan bara höljet. "Innehållet" finns på en mycket bättre plats. Det kände jag starkt då jag fick se min fammos döda kropp; det fanns inget som påminde om henne alls i kistan... Dessutom har man alltid en professionell mantel på sig då det gäller okända, man kan hålla det avstånd som krävs för att göra sin sak bra!

(huhu vi har en roskcontainer som syns från fönstret, och alltid jag går för att öppna/stänga fönstret är det en ny gubbe som gräver där!!!!!!)

Vädret är som förhäxat, man vet aldrig på förmiddagen hur vädret sen blir. T.ex. igår så ösregna det, sen på eftermiddagen blev det stekande solsken mitt i allt. Weird... Har nu alltid med paraply för nödsituationer ;)

Have a nice Saturday!


Things I've noticed

Okay first of all I think everyone notices that I don't have a "life life" here yet, since I'm writing to my blog and I'm online on facebook+msn all the time. I'm so desperate I even go to the ground floor to "steal" internetconnection since the one in my room seems to have gone loca.

It's quite funny how Estonians always put in the sound nh-hmm everywhere after, before or in a sentence. Sometimes it also fills out a silence and it means also yes. I can't describe it, but it's just a funny sound I noticed. Now I always smile when I hear it.

In a class, no matter how small or big, there are always specific roles to be filled; some stereotypical ones, but it is true that they always exist. This isn't a bad thing and neither can I describe the roles, but I could name exactly every one by name who has filled the same role through all of my different classes. The hard part is not to compare and draw up behavourial lines in advance of those people. There IS always the possibility that you might be wrong ;)

And I ought to say too; it is ironic that every single time I think I've improved from latter behaviour (now I'm talking about social skills with in a new group), I always behave the same. I am a social person, but I just hate "having to get to know" situations. It makes me feel odd and act precisely the opposite of what I should act. But I think deep down it's hard, at least in some part, to get to know a bunch of new people at the same time.

About the Estonian language: it's a beautiful language. It has a very soft and fresh sound I think. A bit like children's feet running across a parquett-floor; light, fast and short. Hopefully I'll manage it soon, at least some words and expressions. I probably have to do it the missionary kind of way: write on all obejct their names in Estonian :P And learn one new word from my dictionary every day. The positive thing about not being on a mission and learning this, is that I have access to a TV and probably will catch some words/expressions from there too hehe. Our Estonianteacher in school is really good, so I have no doubt that with her help I will get a nice base to this language. Adaption is much easier if you can communicate with the natives ;)

Have patience if I start repeating myself, I left my braincells at school so I don't remember what I've written already. Soon this girl is off to get some sleep! Nighty nighty!



I went to look at that apartment I was talking about, and I got it. I think they were almost more eager about it than I was, because they had 3 others who would like to come and look at it, and they even are going to fix a washingmachine for me in there (probably to bribe me...) It is 30m2 and is about 5km from the city centre, but on the same street as most of my classes. The outside looks like a big cementblock, but the inside of my apartment is really new and cosy. There is no seperate bed, it's a sofa that will do for that, but I will get a thin madress to put on it so it will be fine. A bit painful are the sums that I will have to pay, almost all at the same time, but they are necessary. So I have to get a bike!

My two roomies cleaned the aparment I live in now today, so for once there is a nice smell around, and suddenly I get second thoughts about moving away... (just kidding)

So I still have to go to the studentvillage-office and try to find a way out of my contract. Hope that will go smoothly. Since I wasn't aware of that I could go and see the apartment before!!! So I just signed without seeing it.

Well I have to get ready, we're going to some restaurant/bar tonight to grab a bite to eat (I'm starving btw).

I'll keep in touch and write some more as soon as I have time :)


What a feeling...

...to not be able to sleep because of your roomie's having drinkingbuddies over for a small get-together! The stench is spreading I may inform you, since several of our "guests" are smokers, sum that up with the alcohol->nice nice.

Well I found another great apartment, it's on the same street I was at yesterday. It looks even more cozy than the other one!! So tomorrow I will call the woman handling this object. That would also mean I would have a valid excuse not to show up at a dinner/drinking party tomorrow. I'm just not up to that yet... All the Q&A-part.

I will also slink in a recommendation; watch Harper's island! It's addictive! And spooky ;)

There are actually quite a few YA in church here, which is great! Some new friends there at least on Sunday.

As soon as this party in our kitchen is over, I will go to sleep. Hope it's sooner than later!

First day of school

As I assumed yesterday, my roomie and I haven't got the same priorities in staying here at all. Don't get me wrong, she is really nice, but we just have different goals here. I don't know when she came home, but I went to sleep at about 1 am, and then she wasn't here. I had to get up at 6am, and even though I try to prepare everything the evening before so that I won't make so much noise, it's still not nice bothering people. And when I came home today I just wanted to have a quiet time for myself. But noooo, I did have company, still have.

The aparment I looked at yesterday was perfect. But I will meet up with a girl from church and maybe we can figure something else out. And at class today there seem to be more people than me not liking Raatuse 22 (dorm's address), maybe I could find someone to share an apartment with :) Much better than living alone I think!

Some more about my apartment: In the kitchen there are beercans in a line on the topshelf (no wonder that there is a stench around here). The walls are grey. The toilet and shower are in seperate rooms. When the toilet "flushes" it's like at home when you try to flush the last of the water out of the container. That low a pressure the water has here. You're lucky if you get the paper to flush down... I will put up some pics about all the nice things soon. I avoid the kitchen as much as possible...

The first day of school is always odd, especially when everybody has got to known each other at the orientation course. There are mostly Finns, one Swedishspeaking Finn, one Swedish guy and 2 from Estonia. I hope people intend to continue this thing, because at least I am serious about it. And I don't have the money or the time to visit Finland all the time. Well I hope to find a good friend here soon! I need my social network!

The teachers are so far nice and seem to know their stuff. We had Latin, Estonian and Biophysics today, tomorrow we'll have Biology and Anatomy! Yey, the real stuff ;)