It's been a while since I wrote; and there have been some stuff going on :) First of all: I had a great weekend in Helsinki. Being around Swedish-speaking Finns (even though they have their own Southern accent) is really nice. Me and Jenny didn't do much, but it still was a wonderful weekend. I did however buy another
little black dress. I think Lii has had some "bad" influence on me with her dresscraziness. But they are just soooo...
wonderful! And since I will be amongst the closest familymembers at my aunt's wedding next week in Germany.....
We did also watch the movie
Brüno. Compared to
Borat this movie really was over the edge and it wasn't even in a funny way... So don't watch it, you'll be wasting your time!
And we got to do some hard work too, as we were putting together an Ikea-table.
Real women neither need men nor machines for this task. Just the right music (low low low, you spin my head right round and what comes around goes around) were needed and the screws did finally get into their proper places!
Saturday night was
Inledande sitz at Teknologföreningen. Jenny studies at
TKK which means that she also gets me connected with the right people to get me into the right parties ;) It was a pitty that we had to catch the last bus, since the "feelis" was just at its best when we left :/ Next time we will sleep at TF we decided. If the party is just as good as that time!
Sunday I really did believe I was ready to go back and take up my Tartu-life. WRONG! On the boat+bus back I really got depressed and low after my euphoric weekend (and week as a matter of fact; lots of parties going on...)
Tuesday was movingday! I was sad to leave Raatuse, since I had gotten used to the company. But being in my own little space made me, once again, euphoric. Since then it's been up and down with my mood. Hoping to get some balance in my life real soon!
Today me and two girls from school went to a gym-class
Stripdancing. Yes that's right. I have actually always wanted to try something like that, and I was really funny :P We did put the joint's axes (as we learned today in Anatomy) into action!!! Maybe now the theoretical part will be learned easier...?!
I just figured out today that Latin is probably the most logical language of all. When I studied my babies, aka the bones, I got the "smart" idea to look up some of the words on the internet. And boy when you really KNOW what all that stuff about
tuberculum, apex, caput and company is this Anatomy gets
a lot easier. Maybe I will learn the bones&joints by heart in a week after all?! But our Latinteacher isn't the greatest (who cares about stressing syllables and pronounciation in a dead language that Estonians and Finns have a different opinion on what is the right way anyhow?!?! I will need to learn it the "wrong" way around anyway when I work in Finland)
Well I have a great weekend ahead; hope you will have a goodie too!