

What better start could you probably have for the exam study time then being unmotivated, reading good books, watching the season finales of all tv-shows, hanging out with friends, staring out of the window and encourage the clouds to stop raining (hey it actually worked this morning).

Anyhow, I also have learned to enjoy reading at the library. Or overall just being able to do that. It's like a whole new world is opening itself to me! Even though I can't stand being there more than 4 hours max, these hours are probably the most efficient times of the whole week. And it is a good way of getting out of the apartment (and avoid spending a lot of money if you instead, say would go to a bookstore instead... just browsing of course!)

I have seen two great movies at the cinema lately. Red riding hood on Saturday, surprisingly good for a "adventure" movie which always follow the same patterns. Monday I saw Water for elephants, which was an amazing book, and the movie was very well done too! Still I recommend to first read the book and then watch the movie. It still has a different approach to the story.

Also I have lost my Eesti flow. That is the flow I had aquired a couple of weeks ago when I had to attend to tutor's training. I need to get it back fast, people once again don't get what I try to say (probably because of me mixing up words. At the bookstore I was asking if they had teeninud served the new True blood book. The women working there then nicely said no we have not tellinud (ordered) it yet. Fail fail big time :D
At least I am encouraging myself that somewhere along I did manage to learn Finnish. Probably at some point I will learn this equally annoying language (from the grammatic point of view). Finnish and Estonian are estimated to be just as hard to learn as you can read here. So patience, patience.

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