

Hey there, it's been a while! We're already in the middle of April, time flies, especially if you have as much fun as I have been having lately ;) So you will get a list in this post, since I am sitting on the bus between Tartu and Tallinn and can't get myself to write a proper text.

-As you probably guessed, I am on my way to Finland. Home sweet homecountry. I already began to see the signs of me not being in Finland for a while. If you have lived here you know what I mean. If you haven't, I will not go and destroy any kind of expectations :P

-Read the book Never let me go, fantastic story. I sort of regret watching the movie before reading the book, as usually. It is nit only an amazing story, but beautifully written.

-I start suffering from my Springinsomnia. And well I sort of did not make it any better this weekend by staying up all night. I was all extatic yesterday when I did not feel as tired as before. So people, get a good nights sleep. Except if there is something fun going on ;)

-The best thing, as I have written before, is eating out in Tartu. And it does not affect your personal economy almost. If you compare to Helsinki where I studied a year, you had to plan carefully when and where you ate a night out. Also groceries are so much cheaper here. But compared to Finland probably everywhere else is much cheaper. It is just annoying when you have this one lifestyle you are used to when you study, and you have to "downgrade" when coming home.

-If you plan on applying to medschool and the international group here at the university I will probably see you this Fall, because I will be a tutor for the new medstudents.

-Roswell is now over and out on my behalf, finished rewatching this favorite series from my teens. And it was surprisingly good still after all these years.

Life is good, enjoy it!

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