Audrey Niffenegger: Her Fearful Symmetry
. I have been wanting to buy and read this book for so long. It is from the same author who has written The time traveller's wife. Loved the book and the movie!
Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, pray, love. This is now also a movie in the theathers, starring Julia Roberts. My book is in German.
Martina Paura: Angebissen. Tells apparently the real story of Adam and Eve, how their lovestory was.
Mary E. Pearson: Zwei und dieselbe. This is a book about a girl who wakes up after laying in coma for a year, and how she tries to put together the bits of her life. I am currently reading this book.
And last but not least, I just had to buy Simon's cat as a book. It always puts a smile on my face. In the store the saleslady told me the second book is already for sale!
And some schoolbooks. The Microbiology book I ordered in Finland, so my brother brought it to me in Germany. Thank you S!
I feel that pics are about half of the reading, at least if you want to learn something. And the two upper books have great pictures. Here are some examples:
From Microbiology
Open heart surgery from the cardiology book
I have a confession to make. I pick books based on their covers. I just love to have something nice to look at. That's another reason why you should buy books in English (the other reason is that the original language a book is written in always is the best. Some books I hate, I just hate because I read them in another language, Swedish often being in the top of bad text since it is a colourless language), because they have the most beautiful covers. Mom did a year ago buy me a book simple because it had a dull cover (swedish one). Unfortunately I had already read it and owned it also :P Here is the cover of one of the books. I just love looking at it:
Maybe when I am at home I will put up some photos on nice bookcovers. Maybe someone gets inspired too.
And the last pic is Simon's cat:
I will hopefully be doing the same this weekend as he is!
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