Updating is a nice thing to do when you should study for boring tests. So that I will do now!
Last week, December 1st, was my birthday. It's so nice when people remember you on your birthday, trough SMS, facebook, calls or whatever. I got a package from Germany and my relatives there; I had something to open! In the evening almost the whole class met at the restorant Moka (my personal favorite) for some birthdaydinner which was really nice. I also saw New Moon and it was really good! Especially if you compare it to the first movie!!! The audience did suck, they laughed and screamed at all the wrong moments, this spoiled quite a lot of the movie I think.
On my birthday I also had 3 tests, which all went well! Bye bye Latin & First Aid, I won't ever return to those classes again, wohoo!
Okay I have to stop doing other stuff so I will get to the interesting part of TODAY. We went to the old anatomical theater here in Tartu today to get our last Histologylesson for this year. And well we got to see a testis that weighs about 5 kg and a tumour that weighs 15kg. Can you imagine what it would be like to have one of those xD just sick. Then our anatomyteacher showed us (all amazed) a device some guy had built by himself that shows the coming down of the testis during the developement. And she suggested that it would make a GOOD Christmas present. And that we also would create it by ourselves. Seriously, who figures out to do that kind of model/device in their sparetime :P
Well if you happen to visit Tartu you should go and check out the Old Anatomical Theater, looked pretty amazing all those preparates. And they have quite some history too!
I definitely think that we have to contribute to the stereotype that med-students don't sleep. Well a friend of mine (herself being a almost-ready doctor) commented yesterday: "So the only thing I read about you on your facebookstatus is: tired tired tired". It is true, I am tired all the time. Most of the time because I don't sleep enough, but it seems that even though I sleep I'm still tired! And one day just has 24 hours, even though I sometimes hope that there would magically appear like 2 hours extra.
Tonight I tried to make something my Grandma, Oma, always did: Gnocci with a cream&mushroom sauce. But it wasn't as good as is she would have done it. I don't know how she always got the sauce so tasty and creamy. It made me real sad, I have missed her even more ever since my birthday. Christmastime was her time of the year. And she was the most amazing cook ever.
I figured last week that Christmas has begun to be (alarmingly) a time to be depressed about not having a boyfriend. Everybody is out shopping/travelling/going to the movies/ice-skating etc. etc. with their significant other. It actually started last year for me this downie at Christmastime. Maybe I'm having a age-crises or so. I made a deal last year with Paulina that if we don't have any boyfriends this year at Christmas we would be abroad. Well we still don't have any but for the 24.12 we will be in Pietarsaari. Maybe it doesn't count if you work the whole Christmas week???
This weekend in Helsinki was the top of my down probably, but still it was a nice weekend, with meeting my parents and brother. Shopping with Jenny. Going to watch New Moon for the 2nd time with Jenny. Talking to Linda until late in the nights. The Independenceparty with dressing up and meeting friends. And the private afterparty at McDonalds ;) Eating out at Memphis. And Sunday was the best day being my happyday. It didn't even bring me that down to go back, in the opposite it was quite nice to come back to do some intense studying. Only 7 days of school and 8 tests more!!! Yey!
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