

I finnished watching Glee today. Still I can't put my finger on what is so addictive about that series. But at least the feel-good music is amazing. Find some of my favorites here:

Marry you-Bruno Mars cover

Telephone-Lady Gaga cover

Teenage Dream-Katy Perry cover

Singing in the rain/Umbrella mashup

And the song that has become somthing of a Glee-classic:
Don't Stop Believin'-Journey cover

Are you messed up when you think that -17C is warm? Yes indeed, but the somthing -20C has messed up us here in Tartu, we will take anything warmer than that!

This Saturday I will get a guest to Tartu, we will have an amazing couple of days, looking forward to it :)

AND can you imagine, I have been a week without Pepsi :D Somebody caught up on my habits and thought that I was addicted. So I had to proof her wrong. Even though I every day had a minor countdown until Pepsi-Friday, I managed fine.


The Start

The start of a new semester is always nice, mainly because the first week(s) may be quite stressless and everybody counts with a few days of adaptation and getting things started properly. Our soft start does not last that long this year, on Wednesday we will have our first test in Physiology, on metabolism and kidneys.

Also I made a crazy (?) decision about my Estonian course. Because I resigned my registration from it since I heard that we will have the same teacher as last year. So now I will start teaching myself Estonian. And also my roomie will give me the exercises they are doing in the course. It will require a lot of self discipline, but at least my mental health will be spared :P Also I get to concentrate on the stuff I know that I need to learn better. Probably the best decision I have made during 2011.

Me and Fanny got our apartment fixed up and running this week. A LOT of cleaning was done, and a LOT of throwing stuff away. The people who lived here before us did leave the apartment in a mess. There are still stuff that have to be bought etc. but we will get there. At least the place is clean and we have the most necessary things.
So I enjoyed using the dishwasher, taking a bath in the bathtube and making two kinds of cookies today. You can find the recipes in Swedish: Kokostoppar and Havrekex med russin. I liked the first one better!

Yesterday I got stuck in the Glee phenomenon. Even though the storyline is boring, but the songs are just addicting!
This week's movietip is Tomorrow when the war began. It is based on the book series of John Marsden, and I really liked it. I hope they will make more based on the other books. When I was in 8th grade I was stuck in the series for autumn break and I just sat and read read read, at least one book per day. Mom did not even realise I was at home until I had to go to the bathroom :D

Have a nice weekend!